Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Post Summer

As usual of this time of year... Despite what some of you may think I am still alive! Summer has come and gone. We are still having some weekend retreat groups but no longer the really late hours. Of course more dreaded than the late hours were those ridiculous early mornings.

Summer was good. We had three girl staffers which caused a huge amount of concern for me at first. Girls and the drama are not something I care to deal with at all! Turns out it was pretty drama free this summer believe it or not. They didn't all turn into immediate best friends but they managed to serve together while they were here.

My new house served as a central spot for most everyone around here. The doors stay unlocked so I never knew what I was going to walk into. It was a great blessing to have something available though for everyone. And not gonna lie it was great to have somewhere so wonderful to lay my head down each evening!

We had the normal retreat groups as well as mission teams this year. Between those two different groups we definitely noticed a greatly level of intentionalness across the boards. Most groups were not just taking a trip with people to southeast Tennessee. They were coming with distinct things to teach their group (children, youth and/or adults) about the Lord. Not only that but during their course of being intentional many of the groups took notice of how intentional we run the camp and ministry. One step further than that was how many, many of the groups would thank us on the last day and begin to share how they truly "got it" during their stay. Perhaps they had been saved before but never knew what in the world to do now. But upon departing our gates they had a better understand of what their salvation was about and their roll in continuing to seek the Lord and honor Him with their life. It was those moments that make all other ridiculous moments completely worth it.

Before my school gets started I have been catching up on a little reading. Just finished crazy love by Francis Chan and am in the midst of Forgotten God by him as well. Next on the list is Radical by David Platt. Hoping to have all this read by September 7th when my classes begin again. I don't care who you are but YOU should read crazy love! It was great!

Hopefully, the video I am trying to upload will soon load. This was a hike that the staffers and I went on during their last week here. It was beautiful and the water felt great!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great summer. Thank you for serving. We love you and what you do.