Sunday, November 11, 2007

Greetings to all

Some of you have made the comment you've enjoyed my writings about Egypt. Some of you have not. :) Writing is something i enjoy doing, not the grammatical part but the pouring out of my thoughts part. My hearts desire is to see lost people come to know the Lord then be discipled so that they understand why they just got saved. If one person from reading one thing I write gets a better picture of who God is and why He is an amazing God, then my writings will have served it's purpose.

Fair warning... if you don't want to know what I think, then I wouldn't suggest reading. My writings generally are not for the faint of heart. I write what I feel the Lord speaks to me. Take my writings for whatever they're worth to you. If I ever go against God's Word on any subject please let me know. Enjoy the ramblings...

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