Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Still unsure...

I still am very unsure of how to run a Boys & Girls Club. Granted, I'm only two weeks into it. There is a part of me though that just doesn't have a desire to know how to "run it". I go pick up one of our schools up each day at 2:30. By the time I get back most of the other kids are there. I walk in the door and typically hear my name from different angles.

All genuinely important issues such as...

We are out of trash bags.

Do you know where the pool stick is?

So and so needs you to pick them up at 4 today.

So and so called and needs you to call them back.

So and so is about to get a pink slip (not a good thing) if they don't calm down will you go talk to him.

So and so, so and so, so and sooooo....

Then I see Desire walk by with her gloomy face as usual, arms folded across her chest. I ignore the other voices so I can kneel down and ask...

Hey Desire how's your day been?

Awful! It's just terrible and I hate it!

Desi, what's going on?

I just hate everything.

Let's go finish your snack and you can tell me what's going with your horrible day.

Whatever. I don't care.

(If I walk off and pretend I don't care I often hear this as I walk off.)


These are the things I want to do. Sit and hear there little hearts. Desi is typically angry at the world. She usually needs more than a short conversation too.

She is just one.

Generally, there are about 25 others from 6-12 years old. Then in the teen room there might be 5-10 of them. I want to hear about each of their days. I try to come in and say hey to each of them and genuinely connect. Time keeps running out before I can get this task accomplished though! As well as answering other questions... Dealing with the ones in trouble... Answering the phone... Going to buy trash bags... Connecting with my staffers to make sure there day has gone well... Finding the broom...

The job is going fine. Just still trying to grasp it all.

Pray for Desi today. She really has lots of anger built up in a her that no little girl should have.

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