Sunday, November 11, 2007

What's it going to take?

I find beating around the bush to be a useless skill. So let me just ask. What's your relationship with the Lord look like?

typical answers are generally as follows...

1. well, it's been better but it's been worse.
2. i've been really busy lately
3. i went to church yesterday
4. i'm a sunday school teacher
5. i'm a deacon
6. i've been on a "mission trip"
7. i use to go to church
8. i like Gospel music
9. i don't cuss, drink or smoke
10. i'm a virgin (what? i know)

those are in no particular order just some random comments i've heard from people before. All of which i generally respond with what does ANY of that have to do with your R-E-L-A-T-I-O-N-S-H-I-P with the Lord??

The first comment generally says you're content with not being near the Lord. All the rest are our feeble attempts to earn our way into Heaven. (Bubble buster) You can't earn your way into Heaven, (See Ephesians 2:8-9 to confirm)

My question is what in the world is it going to take for YOU to get serious with God? Do you care more about this day or do you have a greater care and concern for what's going to be happening in eternity? Generally, that's a pretty easy question for most folks to answer. We're so wrapped up in our life here on this earth we don't even make time to think of what life will be like in eternity. If your concern for this earth is greater than eternity, spiritually you are very sick. You need to see the Physician! Because the longer you go through life with this sickness you are just going to continue infecting all those that you meet with the same sickness...

The sickness is being lukewarm for the Lord. I'm not making this up but in Revelation 2:16 God says, "So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold. I will spit you out of My mouth." God's not joking! He takes laziness for His sake VERY serious. Still ok with being spiritually lazy? I hurt for you... Not only will you destroy your life but you will have a great impact on every person in your life. (Matthew 18:7-11)

Seriously, what's it going to take for people to get right with the Lord and begin true relationships with Him? What's it going to take for YOU to get to that point? Has He not done enough for you already?

1 comment:

Lucy said...

Welcome to the blogger world! Your post reminded me of a C.S. Lewis quote: "The opposite of love is not hate. It's indifference."